The International Symposium Program: Women at the Heart of Monotheisms: A Plural History 12-13 November 2014 Golden Tulip Farah Hotel Rabat


First Day : November 12th,  2014

Opening ceremony



Moderator: Mrs Aicha Haddou

Mrs. Mbarka Bouaida: Minister Delegate to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (Morocco)


Mr. Ahmad Abbadi: Secretary-General of the Rabita Mohammadia of Ulemas (Morocco) 


Mr. Dwight L. Bush: Ambassador of the United States (The US-Morocco Strategic Dialogue)


Mrs. Leila Rhiwi: The Acting Regional Director of UNIFEM for North Africa


 Mrs. Asma Lamrabet: Director of the Centre for Studies and Research on Women's Issues in Islam affiliated to the Rabita Al-Mohammadia of Ulema (Morocco)



Tea Break





Feminisms, religions and silent revolutions:

a crossed history approach: Judaism, Christianity, Islam


Moderator: Perla Cohen- Thiam


Denise Couture: The subversive nature of transnational Christian feminist theologies and their openness to the interfaith dialogue.

Omaima Abou-Bakr: Muslim Women’s Medieval History: Reading for the Present.

Mongia Nefzi Souahi: The calm revolution in Islam: the principles of women’s empowering.

Luisa muraro: When man Missed his Appointment with Humanity.

Meriem Attia: What does it mean to correct women’s image in the monotheistic religions?



Gi Hochberg

zahra Ali



Lunch Break

Table 2


Theological leadership from a feminine point of view:


Session I: Law and religions/ Sacred texts: a reformist vision from a feminine perspective.


Moderator: Ahmad Abbadi


Aicha El-Hajjami: Muslim women and the scriptural texts of Islam, A methodological approach.

Liliane Vana: The status of women in Jewish law (halakha): Progress and setbacks in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Halima Krausen: Scripture Out of the Box - Unconventional Dialogues about the Text and with the Text.

Laurence Delphine Flachon: Women’s leadership through the Common speech and the speech interpreted.

Karen Thomas Smith: Dialogically Rereading the Story of Hagar/Hajjar, Foremother in faith.

Azizah el Hibri: Before and Beyond Patriarchy: A Purist Perspective on Islam



Tea break



Session II: Religious women leaders: feminine theological authority put into question: Experiences and testimonies


Moderator: Liliane Vana.

Rajaa Naji el Mekkaoui: Women’s eligibility to assume the sensitive responsibilities... Is there still doubt?

Janine Elkouby: When women read the Bible.

Martina Heinrichs: Women take the lead - female religious agents from a Christian perspective

Hatoon Ajwad Al Fassi: Feminine religious leadership and the challenge of the Saudi uprisings.

Naima Benyaich: Women and religion in the age of globalization.




Naima Gebril

Johanna Buisson


Second Day: November 13th, 2014

Table 3:

Inter-religious dialogue for women:



Session I: From the symbolic visibility to actual contribution:

Moderator: Anne-Marie Teeuwissen


Aura Estela Cumes Simón: Protestantism, Feminism and Decolonization; An Experience of Contradiction and Freedom.

Yolande Iliano: From a praxis and a feminine sensibility: how to build on the rich spiritual diversity to contribute to a more just and fraternal society.

Yaratullah Monturiol: Interpreting the sacred texts: A responsibility as Caliphates for Muslim women.

Aminata Traoré: Is the interreligious dialogue between women an added  value in the quest for justice and peace between  people?

Ravinder Kaur Nijjar: Restoring the dignity of women: The guardians of a spiritual And peaceful society.

Lena Larsen: Women shaping Interreligious Dialogue: Concerns and dynamics.

Discussant: Nouzha Guessous.

Debate : 30 min


Tea break


Session II:  women leaders: feminine theological authority put into question, Experiences and testimonies.(11.15-13.00)

Moderator: Youssef Kellam

zainah anwar: "What Islam, Whose Islam".

Hadji Mariam Sow: Women Bridges of Peace, Cultural Educators And Actors In Development.

Olivera Jovanic: Reconstruction of civil society in the Balkans through women of faith engagement.

Sheikha Edlin ortiz graham: The Quest for Self as a Woman "Sheikha".

Paddy Meskin: African Women of Faith Network (AWFN): Working to maintain ourspirituality and African Values, whilst contributing to the eradication of discrimination, marginalization and violence against women and girls.

Heidi Rautionmaa: Interfaith education finds fresh methods in digital technology.

Christina Lee: Interreligious dialogue and the genius of women.


Monique Crinon



Lunch Break

Table 4 :

Youth at the test (at the heart) of interreligious dialogue



Moderator: Malika Benradi


Maguelone Girardot: Being young and coexisting in France, the Middle East and the Balkans. Testimonies and hopes for the future.

samia hathroubi: Interreligious and interfaith dialogue in pluralistic societies: opportunities and challenges.

Tamar schneck: Closing the generational gap.


Discussant: Karen Thomas Smith



Tea break


Table 5:

Perspectives of Women’s Interfaith Dialogue: Synthesis and Recommendations



Moderator: Naila el Jaouhari and Saadia Benmakhlouf


Experts :

Ramon Grosfoguel

Aicha El Hajjami

Perla Cohen

Farida Zomorod

Yolande Iliano

Ziba Mir Hosseini




Singing performance by « Rhoum El Bakkali » and  closing dinner .






À propos de l'auteur


Native de Rabat (Maroc), Asma Lamrabet, exerce actuellement en tant que médecin biologiste à l’Hôpital Avicennes de Rabat. Elle a exercé durant plusieurs années (de 1995 à 2003) comme médecin bénévole dans des hôpitaux publics d'Espagne et d’Amérique latine, notamment à Santiago du Chili et à Mexico.

derniere video

Asma Lamrabet

Les femmes et l'islam : une vision réformiste